By Dr Charles Margerison

Paranoid Leaders In History – Devastating Impacts

It is often said that people seek political office because of their principles and policies.

However, there is substantial evidence that some people who seek and reach high office in government have a very high level of paranoia.

Infamously, Joseph Stalin had been responsible for the deaths of over a million between 1936 and 1938, because he thought they were a danger to his leadership. More than 30,000 of the Russian Red Army were executed because of Stalin’s fears, including 81 of his 103 Army Generals. Many others were sent to the Siberian Gulag Camps where hard labour was enforced and, due to the harsh conditions, most died.

Notoriously, Adolph Hitler ordered the murder of over six million Jews and killed many others who he claimed where a danger to him and his policies. Hitler also initiated the Second World War, which claimed the lives of over 50 million.

In China, Mao Zedong led the Chinese Revolution to form the Communist Government. To maintain power, Mao attacked and ordered the death of those who were perceived as enemies. This included the so-called Red Guards movement during 1966 to 1968, when thousands were killed under the suspicion that they were counter-revolutionaries. In addition, Mao was responsible for the mass murder of 45 million people, who died of starvation due to failed policies.

So, the politics of paranoia have had devastating consequences.

Paranoia – A Mental Health Condition

Paranoia is a mental condition, where the person has fear of being attacked. This may, in certain cases, be based on some evidence, but is more usually based on self-created suspicions. For example, a person may be fearful of people who oppose their ideas. However, they then also become suspicious of others who are not directly involved, such as a family member or people who they perceive as possible opponents.

There are different levels of paranoia. At a local level, it may be a delusion, for example, that the next door neighbour is stealing vegetables from your garden. At an international level, such fears of attack often lead to revolution and war

People with paranoia tend to have delusions. They see what you say as ‘black or white.’ What you say is perceived either as a personal attack, or is interpreted as support for their beliefs. They act on their fears, not the facts. They must dominate those with whom they disagree. This is demonstrated in the case examples of Stalin, Hitler and Mao, whose behaviours led to the deaths and execution of millions.

Politicians In History – Conspiracy Theories & Lies

Politicians with paranoia often spread conspiracy theories and lies. At the same time, they promise to solve these very false problems that they have self-created. They enter politics purporting to be strong leaders. This is what Hitler did when he got his supporters to attack the Jews, who he alleged were controlling the banks and business. This was a prelude to the ‘pogroms’, and the mass transportation of Jews in cattle trucks to concentration camps.

Stalin did the same by proclaiming the ‘kulaks’ (small farm owners) were storing and stealing grain. His solution was to transport millions of them to forced labour camps in Siberia, where they died in the freezing cold conditions.

During the 1950s, Mao Zedong felt he was losing control of the Communist Revolution. He blamed right wing factions. His paranoia led him to send millions of people from their homes to work in forced labour. This led to a vast number of deaths, and estimates suggest he is responsible for the persecution and execution of between 40 and 80 million people.

Modern Day Paranoiac Politicians

Paranoiacs in politics are dangerous. In 2020, Donald Trump declared falsely that he won the USA election. It is alleged that he incited a crowd to storm the Congress building. If he had a larger armed force, he would have succeeded in a coup-d’etat and remained in power by exacting revenge against his so-called enemies.

Today, we see Putin in Russia, who is inventing false reasons for invading Ukraine. In Venezuela, Maduro stays in power, with the support of the army, even though he lost the election.

At other levels, mafia bosses override local laws to dominate an area and fight battles against opposing mafia groups. In Japan, the Yakuza gangs have used money from their control of gambling and organised crime, to exert their rule in key areas. In China, the triad gangs have used similar methods, and exported these practices to Chinese communities in other countries. All of these ‘gangs’ have members and leaders with high levels of paranoia

A characteristic of paranoiacs is a fear of being attacked. So, they raise levels of anxiety amongst their supporters by suggesting that they will also be attacked. These people then align with the gangs and para-military units, to attack their alleged enemies. And so, a self-fulfilling prophecy culture is formed.

Paranoid About Democracy

Democracy is in danger from paranoic politicians. We need to know what they look like. So, here is a summary. If you observe politicians demonstrating these behaviours, please look for an alternative, even if they have different political beliefs to yours.

The Paranoic Personality.

On a scale of 0 to 10, where 0 is low and 10 is high, please grade the following items. How do you rate politicians that you see on television?:-

  1. They can be outwardly charming, but denigrate and disrespect those with different beliefs.

  1. Those they deem to be against them are marginalised, attacked, or eliminated.

  1. Those who they regard as untrustworthy are dismissed.

  1. They bear grudges, which are used as justification for assaulting others.

  1. They can be persuasive orators and have an hypnotic effect on their audience.

  1. They justify their attacks on others by saying they are victims of conspiracies, even if untrue.

  1. They are constantly suspicious that people are plotting against them.

  1. They are pathological liars, and try to convert their lies into reality.

  1. They make cruel decisions to injure opponents, and lack empathy for their victims.

  1. They invent rumours, to give false reasons for their attacks.

  1. They are aggressive when they do not get what they want.

  1. They do not apologise when caught lying, and do not take responsibility for their actions.

  1. They may smile to your face, but will order others to attack you if you are not loyal to them.

  1. They believe their rules should be the law, rather than democratic laws made by elected officials.

Paranoid Politicians Are Dangerous

Beware of paranoiacs in all walks of life. They promise a lot, but it is usually to serve their own interests and distorted views of the world. They may sound plausible, but once in power, they cause havoc and destruction.

They regard themselves as above the law, and will appoint judges and local governors to support their views. They do likewise in the military and the police forces, as demonstrated by Hitler, Stalin and Mao. They create corruption and crime.

A country, or organization, controlled by a person with high paranoia will find itself in conflict. The paranoiac leader will break laws and contracts when it suits their convenience. They are specialists in corruption and committing fraud. Therefore, the number of legal disputes and time spent in court will increase.

The paranoic leader with power and money will try to buy off those who disagree with them. If that does not work, they treat them as enemies, who have to be removed from positions of power and replaced by their supporters who will be loyal Their aim is to win by any means, including bribery and the elimination of those who restrict their power.

So, avoid voting for or supporting paranoiacs. They are dangerous.