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An Amazing Scientist

By Dr Charles Margersion Psychologist 
Amazing People Worldwide

To celebrate the International Day of Women and Girls in Science – we would like to shine a light on the amazing Marie Curie.
An innovative way to understand science is to enable students to explore the life stories of those who made breakthroughs.

A selfless genius and a dedicated mother, Marie Curie has left an amazing legacy. She gave her life for the work she believed in. Marie also went to the battle front in the First World War and provided doctors with the means of taking X-ray scans of injuries, thus helping the soldiers. She displayed considerable courage as she pressed forward with her work and research.

Everyone, not just students in the classroom, can be inspired by this amazing woman. Through hard work and dedication, she developed strong problem-solving abilities, research capabilities, creativity and organisational skills. She achieved success in her work and received not one, but two Nobel Prizes – in Physics and Chemistry. Her story is truly fascinating, and she deserves much admiration and recognition for her tenacious spirit and the sacrifices she made.

Here are some questions that can be used to develop discussions with students:
A – How has Marie Curies’s work influenced medical practice?
B – To what extent would you be interested in doing scientific work as a career?
C – What breakthroughs would you like to see in Chemistry and Physics?

For specific discussion, here are some factual questions:
1. In what year was Marie Curie born?
2 Before commencing her scientific studies, Marie worked as a …………
3 Where did Marie gain her doctorate in Physics?
4 ‘Polonium’ (named by Marie) was detected in 1898. What inspired this name?
5 During what war did Marie and her daughter Irene set up X-ray vans?


To see other amazing people exemplars for discussion on character development, please visit

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